Canada is a federal state in north-America and member of the Commonwealth. The total surface of Canada is 9,958,319 km2 of which 755,109 km2 water. Canada is the largest country in the world after falling apart the Sovjet Union and good for 7% of the total surface of the earth. Caracteristic for the enormous size of the country is the fact that Canada borders to both Atlantic, the silent and the arctic ocean. Also the country nearly just as large as a whole Europe is (without Russia). Of East to West the largest distance 5514 kilometres and from north to south 4634 kilometres are. Canada borders in the south and west to the United States. The total coast line of Canada amounts to 243,791 kilometres. The largest province of Canada is Québec and the smallest province is Prince Edward-island. Canada has arisen from the oldest country masses in the world: the Hudsonbaai Canadian shield, which covers a large part of the country, is 1 billion year old. It covers 5 millions km2 around the Hudsonbaai. In the north and west the continent Canada changes in an archipelago of large, mostly low islands which the arctic archipelago is called. The largest islands are Baffin, Ellesmere, victoria, Newfoundland and Vancouver. More than 40% of Canada lie at north of the tree border. The Hudsonbaai penetrate with its 1,220,000 km2 deep in the inland country. The Canadian Rocky Mountains are youngster part of the West cordillera, a broad, mountainous counterfoil, which runs from Mexico to Canada. The gebergte arose some suffered between 120 and 20 millions year and included of the highest tops of Canada, 389 km2 the large Columbia Icefield and glacier lakes. Canada has six time areas with a difference of four-half hour between the East - and west coast. Of East to West one knows the Newfoundland -, Atlantic -, Eastern -, Central -, Mountain -, and Pacific-tijdzone. In Canada live almost 32 millions people and the natural population increase is 1,02%, the life expectancy is almost right to those of our and is 83 years for the women and 76jaar for the men. According to the volkstelling of 1991 are there 46% catholics, 36% Protestants and 18% remaining religions.
The first human bewoning in Canada existed from indianen. The Inuït (' eskimo's ') in North-Canada form a whole other people and came later than the indianen from Asia. Around the 1500, then Europeans, were there in Canada six different Indianenvolken. the first contacts of Europe with the areas which belong now to Canada, arrived dating 1497. then landed the discovery traveller John Cabot, genuees in English service, for king hendrik VII of United Kingdom on the East coast of Canada (the current Newfoundland).
The history of French Canada almost 40 years more later in 1534, then started Jacques Cartier foot to rampart put. The founder of drawer Nouvelle France is however Samuel the Champlain, which founded in 1608 Québec and the organisation of the area undertook. In 1663 this part of Canada became a province of France. Meanwhile breidden at their power in the area. Especially in the 17th century a complex trade of territories between United Kingdom and France took place. In the same period Henry Hudson explored later the bay named after to him; got the ' Hudson Bay Company ' in 1670 country possession extensive of the British crown and a trade monopoly. In the 18th and 19th century breidden at their power at the cost of the french. Nova Scotia and Newfoundland came under British authority after the Queen Anne's war and Québec came after the seven-year-old war under British supervision (Treaty of Paris, 1763). On 1 July 1867 the ' Confederation or Canada ' came about after going together nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec and Ontario. In the course of years the other provinces came, with as last Newfoundland in 1949. In 1931, Canada an independent state became as a member of the British Commonwealth, under the statute of West-more lowest ones. Canadian soldiers played an important role in Europe in the second world war. The largest part of the Netherlands was delivered by them. A special link between the two countries resulted. In the years after the second world war Canada received a large intake of European immigrants, among which tenthousands Dutch. Canada was of the founders of the United Nations and the NATO. In the internal policy particularly separatist striving in majority French-speaking person played Québec after the second world war. The question Québec and in general it commonly the relation between federal and provincial powers continues keep the country in the seizure. Of the most known postwar Canadian politicians the liberal Pierre Elliot Trudeau, deceased in 2000, are who became in 1968 ppremier, and this remained with a short discontinuance up to 1984. He was succeeded Brian Mulroney of the progressive conservatieven. Mulroney made place for the current premier in 1993, Jean Chrétien.
Fauna and flora:
In Canada you find much splendid nature areas and nature parks. The flora and fauna are this way several that it too far will call everything on. Many attentive trees are: birch, beech, cedar, pine, eik, esdoorn, tree of life, spar and whip tree. To the fauna among others baribal, bison, eland, grizzly, polar bear, caribou, poema, fox and wapiti belong. The rivers and moor of Canada form of the largest binnenwatergebieden in the world. The Mackenzie River-systeem are with approx. 4250 km longest of Canada and look after the drainage of approximately a quarter of the Canadian territory on the arctic ocean. The drainage of the area of the Canadian shield and of the Interior Plains occurs mainly by means of the Hudsonbaai on the Atlantic ocean. Of this area the Nelson River-systeem are largest, with rivers such as the Saskatchewan, Assiniboine, save Deer and the Bow. The wateren of the territory of the maritime provinces and of Zuidoost-Quebec have been mainly oriented on Canada's largest river, the Saint Lawrence, which drains on the Atlantic ocean. The Rocky Mountains form the water separation between the shield area and Pacifische the drainage area and the most important rivers are here the Yukon in Noordwest-Canada and the Columbia and Fraser in the south west. The vele lakes, approx. two millions, vestiges from the postglacial period have been linked and frequently mutual by rivers. The greatest lakes of Canada are the four great lakes, namely know Lake Superior or bovenmeer, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, and further still Lake St.-Clair and Lake Winnipeg. In the south the rivers are and moor approximately five months per year with ice cover; in the north on the other hand are only the largest rivers one up to two months free of ice.
Name and economy:
The name Canada has been inferred of indiaanse Cannatha (= settlement) the national holiday, Canada Day, is on 1 July, the day on which in 1867, the federal state Canada came about.
Canada has a high developed industrial market economy, which strongly export is solidly linked oriented and with the economy of the US. With a GNP by head of the population of $19, 570 Canada belongs to the most prosperous countries in the world. A very fast expansion Canada in some decades of mainly of agriculture and pelshandel has transformed dependent country to of the most important industry countries in the world. The capital need is very large. These Great Britain was in the past mainly covered, now however mainly by the V.S. of the working population was in 1994 4%, operative in agriculture, 22% in the industry and 74% in the service sector.
Canada's extended and untouched nature areas form of the country most important attraction for tourism and recreation. The accommodation tourist is in general it commonly sticking out. - And autumn is the best times for a stay: at a lot of places one can ski still and in the autumn the south zuidcanadese forests is on most beautiful. To strand one not only to the oceans, but also finds to the vele lakes. Of the vele national parks is Banff National park in the Rocky Mountains senior and by National park the largest park of Canada, both in Alberta. The most interesting cities are Montréal, Quebec, Ottawa, kingston, Toronto and Vancouver. The most famous water falls are the Niagara water falls. Famous is the Reversing Falls in the port of Saint John in New Brunswick, where water is rising pushed as a result of tij; Canada has here the largest tide difference in the world. Of the most beautiful places in Canada the Niagara water falls are. The Niagara water falls exist from 2 large water falls to American and on the Canadian side. That on the Canadian side is cleanest. The Canadian side has been confessed better under the name Horseshoe Falls. This giant water fall has the form of a hoefijzer, an altitude of 56 meters and a total length of 550 meters. And this is the second last particle of our spreekbeurt, namely the climate. climate Canada has a country climate, with cold winters and warm summery. In winnipeg the average temperature in January -15°C is, but at north of the pole circle the temperature even decreases to -30°C. in summertime Winnipeg have an average of approximately 15°C, but there are the days long and sunny. The binnenlanden of Canada have average still no 100cm precipitate still no per year. The wettest places are the mounts in the west, where more than 200cm very normal it is because of west winds which comes from the direction of the large ocean. Hotels and overnachting Canada has a large number of hotels and motels with chambers in several classes. Most of the hotels lie along the continuing movement vipers and at fly fields. Prices diverge of $40 up to more than $200 by chamber, the medium-sized entity lies around $75. generally has these himself no eatoccasions, but lies to ` service road, where tevens restaurants and petrol pumps be to find.